Rose Mary Gates ~ Fine Art

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Wave Watching Painting by Rose Mary Gates

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Comments (23)

Frankie Soldado

Frankie Soldado

What a brilliant painting Rose! Love the translucent wave against the moody sky. Superb!

Patty Donoghue

Patty Donoghue

so dynamic. keep painting!

Roger Quesnel

Roger Quesnel

Wonderful movement and energy in this.

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thanks Roger

Ann Pride

Ann Pride

Powerful work Rose, beautifully done

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Ann!

Erin O'Keefe

Erin O'Keefe


Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Erin!

Patricia Hofmeester

Patricia Hofmeester

Beautiful work!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Patricia!

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Beautiful image.

Az Jackson

Az Jackson

Wonderful image.

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you AZ!

Aditi T

Aditi T


Aditi T

Aditi T

Incredible painting!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

thanks Aditi!

Leif Sohlman

Leif Sohlman

Wave Watching is a beautiful painting Rose Mary

Rose Mary Gates replied:

thank you Leif!

Steve Karol

Steve Karol

Love this!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

thanks Steve!



nice painting!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thanks Aydin!

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Beautiful. L/F

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thanks Lisa!

Derrick Neill

Derrick Neill


Derrick Neill

Derrick Neill

Liked & faved

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thanks Derrick!

Garth Steger

Garth Steger

Beautiful tumultuous seas

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Garth!

Delphimages Photo Creations

Delphimages Photo Creations


Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you!

Min fen Zhu

Min fen Zhu

Great work

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you very much!

Rose Mary Gates

Rose Mary Gates

Thank you Brooks for your feature on A Woman's Touch!

Rose Mary Gates

Rose Mary Gates

Thank you Julie for your feature on Scenes from a Beach!

Nancy Carol Photography

Nancy Carol Photography

Well done! Excellent and thank you for sharing with us your wonderful work of art that has been proudly presented on the Home Page of the group, 'ART FOR PASSION - PASSION FOR ART'. If you wish, you may archive it permanently or promote it further in the Discussions Tabs titled, "Oct Nov Dec 2022 Features."

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you very much Nancy!

Basant Soni

Basant Soni

Marvelous presentation with the vibrations-beauty of water vibrant-waves Congrats Rose Mary

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you very much Basant!

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Wave Watching by Rose Mary Gates
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