Rose Mary Gates ~ Fine Art

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Waves Uprising Painting by Rose Mary Gates

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Comments (27)

LaVonne Kennedy

LaVonne Kennedy

I so love the ocean ,,,and you capture its magic beautifully !

Stella SzeTu

Stella SzeTu

Beautiful! LF

Suzanne Silvir

Suzanne Silvir

Wonderful color!

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

beautiful painting. L/F

Rose Mary Gates

Rose Mary Gates

Thank you John for the feature on Images That Excite You!

John M Bailey

John M Bailey

Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Maria Meester

Maria Meester

Gorgeous painting!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Maria!

Rose Mary Gates

Rose Mary Gates

Thank you Bukonolami for the feature on Daily Promotion!

Rose Mary Gates

Rose Mary Gates

Thank you Brooks for the feature on A Woman's Touch!

Grace Iradian

Grace Iradian


Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Grace!

Eddie Barron

Eddie Barron

very nice

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Eddie!

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten


Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Lisa!

James Clancy

James Clancy


Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you James!

Robert Hicks

Robert Hicks

I love it!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Robert!

Arro FineArt

Arro FineArt

Gorgeous work!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Arro!

Murray Rudd

Murray Rudd

Congratulations on being featured in the FAA Group ‘Promote Your Work Here and Get Noticed.' To ensure your feature remains available over time, post your featured image(s) in the Group's 'Thanks for the Feature / Image Archive.’ Your image has been pinned to the Group’s features board (

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you so much for the feature Murray!

Sarah Irland

Sarah Irland

Beautiful! You have so beautifully painted the color and movement of the ocean!

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Sarah!



beautiful work

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Sinisa1

Toni Saddler-French

Toni Saddler-French


Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Toni!

Suzanne Silvir

Suzanne Silvir

Lovely color

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Suzanne!

Joan Stratton

Joan Stratton

Wonderful :)

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Joan!

Rose Mary Gates

Rose Mary Gates

Thank you Julie for the feature of Waves Uprising in Beach Moment!

Jim Love

Jim Love

Gorgeous work Rose Mary...following

Rose Mary Gates replied:

Thank you Jim!

Rose Mary Gates

Rose Mary Gates

Thank you Dianne for the feature in Scenes From A Beach!

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Waves Uprising by Rose Mary Gates
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